January 22, 2025


SWITCH – Dot1Q is IEEE 802.1Q, the standard for trunking encapsulation. On Cisco switch dot1q on trunk ports which permit labeled outlines to be transported on a trunk connect, permitting numerous VLANs to navigate through one interface. This expands the VLANs over the network.

When designing trunk ports, both closes of the connect must have the same local VLAN. In case the local VLAN does not coordinate, an mistake message will be shown on the support.

below are trunking modes:

  • dynamic auto – Interface is able to change over to a trunk connect on the off chance that the other conclusion of the interface is set to trunk or alluring mode. Usually the default switchport mode.
  • dynamic desirable – Interface effectively tries to change over to a trunk connect. The connect gets to be a trunk in case the other conclusion is set to trunk, alluring, or auto mode.
  • trunk – For all time places the interface in trunk mode. Interface gets to be a trunk indeed in the event that the other conclusion isn’t a trunk interface.

When an interface is in trunk mode, it is able to send and get activity from all VLANs. It is conceivable to permit as it were particular VLANs to navigate over the trunk.

Load Sharing

Needs can be set on a parallel trunk harbour so that the harbour carries all activity for a given VLAN. A trunk harbour with the higher need (lower esteem) for a VLAN is sending activity for that VLAN. The trunk harbour with the lower need (higher esteem) for that same VLAN is within the blocking state for that VLAN.

Trunk Settings

Trunk ports can be arranged into an EtherChannel harbour bunch with all trunk interfacing with the same arrangement. Any changes to the harbour bunch will engender the alter to all ports portion of the bunch.

Configuring VLAN Trunks

To impair trunking all together, constrain the switchport into get to mode.

switchport mode access

On a few switches you must indicate switch dot1q (802.1q) as the epitome utilizing the command:

switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

Interface ports into both switches and for each interface issue the commands:

config t
interface interface-id
switchport access vlan vlan-id !This sets the VLAN which the harbour will utilize when it is now not in trunking switchport mode {dynamic {auto | desirable} | trunk}
switchport trunk encapsulate dot1q 
switchport trunk native vlan vlan-id

Verify the trunk configuration and operation for each interface:

show interfaces interface-id switchport
show interfaces interface-id trunk


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