September 17, 2024
IP address manually on MAC OS

IP address manual setting on MAC OS

Process to set the IP address manually on MAC OS
Step 1: From the apple menu select System preferences

Step 2: Open the Network icon

Step 3: Right next to “Show”, from the available drop down menu select: Internal modem and click on the TCP/IP tab.
Set the “Configure” option to Using PPP.
In the “Domain Name Servers” fields, enter the IP addresses of FORTHnet’s Name Servers and

Step 4: In the Search domains: field type Default Gateway value (Example: for Airtel
Click on the ??? tab.

Step5: In the Account Name: and Password: fields type your username and password in the exact same way they have been provided by your ISP:
Your username uses the following format : where user = is the part of the username you have chosen (e.g george, nick etc) and pop = is the point of presence e.g: ??? for Athens, ??? for Thessaloniki etc
The password is case sensitive, which means that if it includes characters in lowercase and/or uppercase, it must be filled in, in the exact same way it has been provided.
Note: Make sure that you have switched to the English keyboard setting when you type in your username and password. It is necessary to use latin characters.

Step 6: Mark the Save Password option if you’d like not to enter the password every time you connect and click the PPP Options button.

Step 7: Make sure that you have set the options as shown in the figure below and press ??

Step 8: Finally make sure that in the Modem tab, the options are set as shown below:

Step 9: Click on the Apply Now button and close the Network window.

The configuration of IP address manually on MAC OS is done.

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