January 22, 2025
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

An increasing number of apps incorporate augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) features, and this trend is not going away. According to Allied Market Research, the mobile augmented reality market (MAR) was estimated at $12.61 billion in 2020. By 2030, it’s forecast to grow to $184.61 billion.

Applications that use AR/VR provide incredible opportunities by enhancing the real-world environment with digital objects. A couple of years ago, AR and VR were used mostly in gaming apps (remember the overwhelming success of Pokemon Go?) and marketing campaigns to entertain and impress customers. Today, the mobile world leverages augmented and virtual reality for more practical purposes, such as:

  • Object measurement
  • Navigation
  • Interior design
  • Education
  • User manuals

A good example is CanvasLogic — visual configuration software with 3D and AR features used to sell highly configurable products.

Furthermore, smartphone manufacturers have been increasing the production of AR-enabled devices: as a very conservative estimate, in 2021 there were 500+ million iOS devices and 1+ billion Android devices that allow users to experience augmented reality.

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