Apple iPhone 15 Ultra anticipated cost in India begins from Rs. 149,900. Apple iPhone 15 Ultra highlights the first-ever 48MP camera sensor which can record 8k recordings in a consistent way. The brand has consolidated iOS v14 at the side lead highlights like Dust-proof and Water resistance. As continuously, buyers get their hands-on a vigorous processor setup, which guarantees lag-free working encounter. In any case, the inside capacity is as it were 128GB and the battery control is very normal. It Anticipated to be propelled on Jan 30, 2023. Typically 8 GB Slam / 128 GB inside capacity base variation of this which is anticipated to accessible in Dark, Gold colour.
Apple iPhone 15 Ultra Features
- Dual Sim, 3G, 4G, VoLTE, Wi-Fi, NFC
- iOS v16
- Bionic A15, Hexa Core, 3.22 GHz Processor
- 8 GB RAM, 128 GB inbuilt
- 3279 mAh Battery with Fast Charging
- 6.73 inches, 1170 x 2532px Display with Small Notch
- 48 MP + 12 MP + 12MP Dual Rear & 12 MP Front Camera
- Memory Card Not Supported